Welcome! I am a food-obsessed travel junky living near Seattle, Washington with my partner and our three rescue dogs (Harley, Charlie, and Dexter). By day, I work in DesignOps for one of those giant tech companies that are trying to ruin the city, but with most of my spare time, I'm thinking about food, drinking wine, creating new recipes, researching restaurants, planning trips, or figuring out how to move to France or Italy... 

My family is Italian, so I've been helping in the kitchen, cooking and baking with my mom and grandmother since I could grasp a fork. For years, my husband has been after me to start writing everything down (he came up with the name Fork & Quill), so I finally am. The recipes won't always be glamorous, and I'm certainly not a professional chef (though I would be if the hours were better), but I'm excited to share them with you. 

Update: we’ve been leaning more vegan lately. You could call us social omnivores I guess? Though we do use some animal products at home from time to time if we can source them from reputable places. Sometimes I just really need a pizza. A real pizza. And I feel guilty about it every time, but I’m not ready to fully stop until vegan cheese has the same kind of pull that real cheese does (it’s getting there but it is decidedly not there yet).

The plan is simple—I'm splitting everything into three categories:

  • sweet 

  • savory

  • restaurants

The recipes will be mostly original, except for the baking (sorry, I'm not a scientist), and I tend to make adjustments every time I make something. If I use a recipe I found elsewhere, I promise to link to it. Topics will include meal planning, wine, holiday dinners, Instant Pot, baking, experiments (failed or successful), paleo, gluten free, gluten full, etc. When I started this site, I wasn’t leaning vegan, so there will be older recipes on here that are super meat forward, or cookies made with butter and eggs, and I’m not going to delete them, but some will get updated vegan versions if I can figure it out. I'll also throw in a few family recipes now and then. 

And stuff listed under restaurants will be places we love to eat or fun food experiences we’ve had, like when we went to Alinea for Joel’s birthday a few years ago. (Is that a flex?)

There's also a 99% chance that the f-word will appear in every single post. #sorrynotsorry